Tomato 100 seeds one packet
Processing Time : 3 day
Delivery Time : 14 - 21 days
Tomato : Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. seeds
- Introduction
Tomato is one of the most widely cultivated vegetable crop in the world. It is an important Source of vitamin. an important cash crop for medium scale commercial farmers. It?s Origin is the South American Andes.
Tomato Contribute to a healthy well balanced diet. They are rich in minerals vitamins amino acid, Sugars and dietary fibres. Tomato containg much Vitamin B and C, iron and phosphorus although a ripe tomato contains as much as 93 to 94 percent water.
** Nursery Management **
Suitable period is mid of March or end of August
1 m x 3 m size raised bed (about 18-20 cm raised) is recommended
Remove clods of earth and stubble
Add well decomposed farmyard manure and fine sand and prepare the bed
Apply fungicide (Thiram or captan) put paddy husk and straw layers on the Surface of the bed and fire from the opposite of the wind direction and burn the seed bed
Draw lines 12-15cm apart over the length of the seed bed. Sow the seed thinly spaced on the lines and press gently cover the seeds with fine sand.
Water the bed and mulch it by using paddy straw
Field Establishment
Climatic requirement
Optimum climatic conditions are
21 0c - 27 0c temperature
PH should be in between 5.8-6.8
Elevation 1000-2000 m