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Nymphaea caerulea flower 25 seeds one packet
Processing Time : 3 day
Delivery Time : 14 - 21 days

Nymphaea caerulea flower seeds (AQ002)

  • Scientific classification
    Species:N. caerulea
    Binomial name
    Nymphaea caerulea

    The leaves are broadly rounded, 25–40 cm across, with a notch at the leaf stem. The flowers are 10–15 cm in diameter.
    Reports in the literature by persons unfamiliar with its actual growth and blooming cycle have suggested that the flowers open in the morning, rising to the surface of the water, then close and sink at dusk.[citation needed] In fact, the flower buds rise to the surface over a period of two to three days, and when ready, open at approximately 9–9:30 am and close about 3 pm. The flowers and buds do not rise above the water in the morning, nor do they submerge at night. The flowers have pale bluish-white to sky-blue or mauve petals, smoothly changing to a pale yellow in the centre of the flower.
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