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Jubaeopsis caffra 10 seeds one packet
Processing Time : 3 day
Delivery Time : 14 - 21 days

Jubaeopsis caffra

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  • Jubaeopsis caffra
    Pondoland Palm

    Very rare species

    This much talked about but rare South African palm will thrive in warm temperate as well as tropical climates. Related to Jubaea and Butia, it is a suckering coconut look-alike, grows to about 20 feet tall and is suitable for sun and also partial shade. Seeds take their time to sprout but eventually produce a long 'sinker' and should be planted in deep pots in a very well drained mix as soon as they have germinated. Jubaeopsis seeds are rarely collected as the palm is very rare in cultivation and, in the wild, grows on only two very remote sites.
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