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Averrhoa carambola

" Kabaranka "


100% Fresh Seeds

When you receiving your order we collect fresh seeds. We not store 

this seeds. 


Edible Uses
Fruit - raw. The fruit is crisp and juicy with a waxy yellow skin when ripe.The best forms are delicious on their own, they also go very well in fruit salads, juiced and mixed with other fruits etc. The fruit flavour is enhanced by peeling off the ‘wing’ edges, which removes most of the oxalic acid A quince-like fragrance Plants can produce fruit all year round Fruit quality is variable, though they are normally juicy. Sour forms, and slightly immature fruits, are pickled or made into a relish. The orange-yellow fruit is a large, indehiscent berry, 5-8 cm long with a characteristic shape in cross-section resembling a 5-pointed star. The fruit is up to 12.5cm x 6cm

Flowers - raw An acid flavour, they are added to salads
They can also be made into conserves


Leaves - raw or cooked An acid flavour, they are used as a sorrel substitute.


The fruit can be a laxative on account of the oxalic acid it contains. It is also used in traditional medicine for skin disorders and fevers. It is valued by Chinese communities as a remedy for high blood pressure, whilst it is also said to reduce blood sugar levels and so is of help to diabetics.The flowers are used to relieve coughs.The leaves are used to treat rheumatism.

The seed is emmenagogue, galactagogue and abortifacient.The powdered seed is a good anodyne for treating asthma, colic and jaundice


Other Uses
In some countries, the fruit juice is used to remove stains, for example iron rust from linen cloth.It can also be used for polishing brass. The fresh juice is an effective stain remover.

Unripe fruits contain potassium oxalate, which is used in dyeing.
The whitish wood is soft. Generally only available in small dimensions, it is sometimes used for timber in construction and for making small implements, furniture etc.
The wood is a suitable candidate for firewood.

Star Fruit [Averrhoa carambola] Seeds (100% Fresh)

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